
003: Johann

Soooo it’s been a while since my last post here. I guess I could blame the pandemic that hit back in March of 2020 but that’s too easy. Besides, I’m still out here learning and growing everyday. I guess I just got too lazy or too busy with real life to keep up-to-date with this blog. Like I said, I’m still OUT HERE paying these bills, learning to save for the future, and doing my best to keep the creative juices flowing. So that being said, below you’ll see a music video from a Toronto-born singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Johann. Over the last year and a bit I’ve been working with Johann to try and elevate him as a new talent emerging out of Toronto.

This project in particular really reignited my passion for creativity and art in general. I was fortunate enough to take part in my first real music video, from a genuinely hands on position. From pre-production all the way through 2-days of filming. Even assisting through post-production and planning the roll out. Not kidding, we even wrote a PRESS RELEASE which we shopped out to a list of media outlets, and we were honoured to be picked up by the good folk at SideDoor Magazine. By “we” I mean Johann and the team we formed which we’ve been calling

Together, we’ve released Johann’s first EP on Spotify, I was asked to design his website and we continue to work on his future as a musician. It’s been really fun to be pushed in so many new directions creatively and the best part is we’re just getting started. Stay tuned for new music and more videos ;)

david candelaria